Announcements for expert opinions (only in German)

For central questions of a TA project or monitoring, the TAB proposes to the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment the assignment of expert opinions to external experts or scientific institutions. TAB's task is to prepare the call for tenders, to review and scientifically evaluate incoming offers, and to submit proposals to the German Bundestag for the award of expert opinions. The awarding of expert opinions for the calls for proposals published here is then subject to the approval or appropriation of funds by the German Bundestag.

Current tenders
Luftaufnahme: Meeresreinigungsschiffe setzen Netze aus, um schwimmenden Plastikmüll einzusammeln.Technology options for reducing plastic waste in the oceans

As part of the TA compact study "Technological options for reducing plastic waste in the oceans", a short expert opinion is to be commissioned to take stock of current technological developments for the removal of plastics from water bodies and aquatic ecosystems.
Deadline for submission of tenders: 30 August 2024

More17.07.2024 | Gutachtenausschreibung
Lebendige Illustration eines globalen Quantenkryptographie-Netzes, das durch QKD ermöglicht wird und dessen Knotenpunkte über einen digitalen Globus miteinander verbunden sindQuantum technologies in a military context

As part of the TA project "Military use of quantum technologies", three expert opinions are to be commissioned that will provide an overview of the current state of research and development and expected further developments with regard to possible military applications in various areas of quantum technology. 
Deadline for submission of tenders: 30 August 2024

Mehr17.07.2024 | Gutachtenausschreibung
Wissenschaftler arbeitet an modernen 3D-Virus-Bakterien-Keim- oder Krankheitsmodellen in kreativen Hochtechnologie-Labors.Biotechnology and artificial intelligence: risks from research for security and proliferation of biological weapons

Two expert opinions are to be commissioned as part of the TA project: one on the current status of existing regulations and control measures at the national and international level, and another on the technical requirements and necessary knowledge and experience for the production of biological weapons.
Deadline for submission of tenders: 30 August 2024

More17.07.2024 | Gutachtenausschreibung
Effizientes und nachhaltiges intelligentes Energiemanagementsystem mit Echtzeitüberwachung und -optimierung für eine grünere und intelligentere ZukunftAI-based applications in decentralised electricity systems

As part of the TA project "AI-based applications in decentralised electricity systems", an expert opinion is to be commissioned that provides an overview of AI methods and AI-based applications for decentralised electricity systems at the consumer/prosumer, neighbourhood and distribution network level and assesses their potential.
Deadline for submission of tenders: 30 August 2024

More17.07.2024 | Gutachtenausschreibung