TAB in the foyer - focus on future technologies

  • Venue:

    Deutscher Bundestag, Paul-Löbe-Haus (zentrale Halle)

  • Date:


  • Time:

    12.30 - 15.00 

Impressionen TAB im Foyer #TAdialogBT Bundestag TAB/Stegmann
»TAB im Foyer« - Impressions of the #TAdialogBT in the central hall of the Paul-Löbe-Haus

On 25 September 2019, members of the Bundestag had the opportunity to learn about TAB's project results and working methods and to discuss them with experts in the central hall of the Paul Löbe Building from 12:30 to 15:00.

The event was opened by Dr. Ernst Dieter Rossmann, Chairman of the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment. He thanked TAB for its almost 30 years of scientific advice and helpful expertise as well as for the consensus-oriented and cross-factional cooperation in the TA Rapporteur Group, which prepares all decisions concerning TAB.

Information boards on current TAB studies and publications - such as the recently published TAB sensor on health apps - offered the opportunity to learn about new technologies and their diverse interactions with society and the environment. The product innovations on display aroused particular interest among parliamentarians and day visitors to the Bundestag. For example, EOS GmbH - a leading global technology provider in the 3D printing sector from Munich - presented products from industrial additive manufacturing: from individualized bicycle helmets or sports shoes to medical products and industrial tools. And PTS, a German new-space company, exhibited its moon car, which weighs just 30 kilograms when equipped with a four-wheel drive track with electric propulsion, tiltable solar modules, rechargeable batteries and high-resolution science-grade cameras.

According to initial reactions from participants, the new event format "TAB in the Foyer" can contribute to an even better perception of the results resulting from TAB projects in the Bundestag and their greater input into the various political processes.

The "TAB in the Foyer" event, which is planned once a year, aims to strengthen the visibility of technology assessment in parliament and the dialogue with experts on TA project results and options for action. It is aimed at all members of parliament and their staff, speakers from the parliamentary groups and the Bundestag administration.

Further information