New projects for TAB

Following lively participation by all committees and parliamentary groups in identifying topics, the Bundestag adopted TAB's work programme for 2019/2020.

After the Chairman of the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment (ABFTA), Dr. Ernst Dieter Rossmann, launched a new round of topic identification for TA projects with all committees and parliamentary groups of the German Bundestag in the autumn of 2018, the ABFTA received almost 50 research proposals. All topic proposals were commented on by the TAB as to how a possible processing could take place. On this basis, the members of the TA rapporteur group coordinated with their parliamentary groups and among themselves to agree on a work programme of a total of 12 projects for the TAB for 2019/2020. TAB submitted concepts for these projects, which were agreed by ABFTA on 20 March and 3 April 2019. The projects address the following topics, which will also be briefly presented in the upcoming TAB Letter No. 50 (July 2019):

For the first 5 started projects, announcements for the preparation of external expertises have already been published. We will provide information on the awarding of further expert opinions on our website and on ∂TABundestag.
