New topic profiles from Horizon scanning

Compact answers to current questions and impulses for future research and innovations with potential for society are provided by our 5 new topic profiles from Horizon Scanning.
In the second half of 2021, 16 topic outlines were generated in the continuous search cycle of horizon scanning. After extensive discussion in the TAB team, the following topics were selected based on their relevance in the societal discourse and in terms of potential need for legislative action:
- Innovations in the use of UV-C light for disinfection and prevention of infections (especially with SARS-CoV-2)
- Plastics from renewable raw materials
- Towards climate-neutral air transport - sustainable fuels and new propulsion concepts
- Talk to me! Prospects for the use of AI-based dialog systems
- Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
The topic profiles (only in German) offer condensed information on current scientific-technical trends and socio-economic developments in early stages of development on 7 to 12 pages; they conclude with suggestions for possible in-depth work and include a detailed list of sources. In addition, the topic profiles provide impetus for the TAB topic identification process of the parliamentary groups and committees and can be used as sources of information for day-to-day parliamentary work.
Horizon scanning has been carried out at TAB since 2014. All topic profiles published so far can be found here.
9 March 2022